The Seven(ty) Bridges of Venice

My second day in Venice was spent walking around the island, seeing the sights of the city and occasionally poking my head into one of the numerous (free) churches. (It's nice to see the age old tradition of fleecing pilgrims continuing well to this day.) 

I spent most of the day taking slightly random pictures of whatever caught my eye.

Above is the famous gondola manufacturer Tramontin & Figli. The boatyard was found in 1884 and still painstakingly crafts each gondola by hand.

We stopped for a small lunch by a seafood market. Some seagulls were fighting over discarded fish carcass by a drain.

Soon though, it was time to say "adio" to Venice. A parting shot of the buildings perched by the waters edge, and of a collared priest, heralding our arrival in Rome and the approaching Easter festivities.

Once on the train, a quick cold dinner of calamari and sandwiches, topped off with Italian sweets bought from a small shop while wandering the many narrow streets of Venice.