Lazy Weekend

I spent the past long weekend relaxing, mostly sleeping, and eating.


Made a variation on a Chinese dish with konnyaku. Cut the konnyaku into thin slices, cook quickly in boiling water, dress with mixture of spicy oil, soya sauce, and a bit of sugar. Mix in shredded, cooked chicken meat (great way to get rid of some leftovers) and some chopped cilantro.  


 Geoduck also happened to be on sale so I had some delicious sashimi too! 


I did manage to get outside (and see some cows and wildlife) on a nice little walk. Fortunately the weather wasn't quite as unfortunate as the forecast made it out to be. 


I also started a little embroidery project. The maniac bit of my pseudo-bipolarism has worn off now so I'm not sure when I'll finish this. 

Even though this is supposed to be a short week, today was already far too long. I'm not too sure exactly what I accomplished today but I worked so frantically that it feels as if I must have done something.

Mother's Day



Due to slightly unfortunate scheduling, I was out for most of Mother's Day participating in my company's team for CANstruction. However it did mean that I happened to be in downtown so I was able to pick up a lovely bouquet of flowers for my mom! 



For dinner I cooked what I call a  "White Bouillabaisse" (no relation to actual bouillabaisse). Seafood are sautéed and thrown into a pot of sweating onions. Fish was in butter; shrimp with butter and garlic; squid with shallots and white wine. The shellfish is added last. Dried dulse and basil is sprinkled in with some sea salt and an additional splash of white wine. Maybe 100cc of water, rest of liquid is from onion.

List of ingredients in no particular order: 

Tiger shrimp, Mussel, Savoy clam, Manila clam, Squid, Fish (white meat, forgot what kind), Sundried Dulse (from east coast), Sweet Onion, Basil, Garlic, Shallots, Sea Salt, White Wine, Allspice, white pepper.